[vc_row][vc_column width=”5/6″][vc_column_text]I am walking for autism research because I like to make a difference on helping out the cause.
Because i have met alot of people who have autistic children that i would like to help support.
To me it’s not about collecting donations for the event. It’s about meeting new people and helping people. This is our third year volunteering doing photography and we have improved our skills so much over the last few years.
I would like to thank everyone for their support every year on liking and sharing my photographs.
Next year I am hoping it is a bit better of a location due to their is not much scenery to get in the background.
For the event photographs it seemed a bit crowded but all around it was a pretty fun event.
[srizonfbalbum id=3]
More photos can be seen here Or you can see all the photographs from other photographers by visiting
the Vancouver Walk Page